Concert archief

Stichting Folk Groningen - Concert archief
datum donderdag 12 februari 2015
plaats De Oosterpoort
aanvang 20.30
entree € 17,50 (ex servicekosten)
extra info Het dertienkoppige Roemeense zigeunerorkest Taraf de Haïdouks deed met hun debuutalbum in 1991 aardig wat stof opwaaien in de wereldmuziekscene en al spoedig daarna gaven ze hun eerste Nederlandse concert tijdens het fameuze Virus Festival in Leek. Met een geweldige schwungen enthousiasme worden nog steeds opzwepende Balkan danstunes, traditionele balladen en prachtige meerstemmige liederen, soms vermengd met ska of jazz, over het voetlicht gebracht. Vele bands traden sindsdien in hun voetsporen, maar de mannen uit Clejani, in leeftijd variërend van 20 tot 80 jaar, zijn vastberaden hun voorsprong te behouden: “Met hun razendsnelle, vederlichte swing en spatzuivere samenspel geven ze al hun concurrenten moeiteloos het nakijken”, constateerde de Volkskrant.
english The lautari of Clejani were long known for their musical skills. The first recordings by ethnomusicologists in the village were made in the interwar period. During the Communist era, many musicians from Clejani were also employed in the national ensembles that played Romanian popular music. Early contacts in the West included Swiss ethnomusicologist Laurent Aubert and Belgian musicians Stéphane Karo and Michel Winter, two fans who were so taken by the band's music that they turned into managers, brought the newly named "Taraf de Haïdouks" to Western Europe and helped launch their international career. Since the release of its first album back in 1991, Taraf de Haïdouks has been considered the epitome of Romany music's vitality. Their polyphonic sound incorporates instruments like violin, double drum, accordion, flute, cimbalom, double bass and some wind instruments. The group has toured worldwide, released acclaimed albums and a DVD (see below), and counts among its fans the late Yehudi Menuhin, the Kronos Quartet (with whom it has recorded and performed), actor Johnny Depp (alongside whom the group appeared in the film The Man Who Cried), fashion designer Yohji Yamamoto (who invited the band to be models-cum-musicians for his Paris and Tokyo shows), and many more. Meanwhile, the band members seem to have been relatively unaffected by all this, maintaining their way of life (they still reside in Clejani, in the Valachian countryside). In 2007, the band released the Maskarada album, in which they reinterpret and "re-gypsify" pieces by 20th-century classical composers (such as Bartók, Khachaturian and others) who drew inspiration from national folklore and often borrowed from Roma styles.