Concert archief |
 Stichting Folk Groningen
- Concert archief |
datum |
donderdag 27 september 2012 |
plaats |
De Oosterpoort |
aanvang |
20.15 |
entree |
€ 15,13 |
voorverkoop |
kassa en website De Oosterpoort |
extra info |
Kevin Crawford - fluit, whistle en bodhran
Hoewel hij afkomstig is uit Birmingham, ontwikkelde Kevin in zijn eerste muzikale jaren een warme belangstelling voor de muziektraditie van county Clare in het westen van Ierland. Hij speelde daar met diverse groepen zoals ‘Moving Cloud ‘en met bekende muzikanten als Joe Derrane en Sean Tyrell.
We kennen hem nu vooral als de fluitspeler van de veelgeprezen Ierse band “Lunasá”.
Damien Mullane - trekharmonica
Trekharmonica-virtuoos Damien Mullane werd weliswaar geboren in Ierland maar groeide op in Londen. Daar ontwikkelde hij zich in de Ierse scene tot een fenomenale trekharmonicaspeler of zoals de Ieren dat noemen ‘boxplayer’. Hij speelde met Frankie Gavin in De Dannan en toerde met bands all over the World.
Colin Farrell - fiddle
Hij is afkomstig uit een muzikale familie in Manchester. Al op jonge leeftijd kreeg hij belangstelling voor de Ierse fiddle. Hij speelde o.a. met Michael McGoldrick en met de groepen Grada en Ceile.
english |
Kevin Crawford - flute, whistle & bodhran
Born in Birmingham – UK, Kevins early life was one long journey into Irish music and Co. Clare, to where he eventually moved while in his 20’s. He was a member of Moving Cloud, the Clare-based band who recorded such critically-acclaimed albums as Moving Cloud and Foxglove, and he also recorded with Grianán, Raise The Rafters, Joe Derrane and Sean Tyrrell and appears on the 1994 recording ‘The Sanctuary Sessions’. A virtuoso flute player, Kevin has recorded two solo albums, ‘’D’Flute Album’ and ‘In Good Company’.
Damien Mullane – accordion
Damien Mullane was still born in Ireland in County Cork, but his parents moved to London before he was one year old, so he grew up there. He is a phenomenal box player who started playing in his home West London with Comhaltas and now lives in West Kerry. He was for some time member of Frankie Gavin’s New De Dannan, is currently a member of the "Women Of Ireland" project and has played all over the world
Colin Farell - fiddle
Colin Farrell was born in Manchester in 1977 into a very musical family. His mother Mary hails from Co.Galway and his father Tom comes from Co.Cavan. Almost everybody of Colin's family is multi-talented musician, holding several All-Britain and All-Ireland titles in the various array of instrumets they play in the family. Colin started playing the fiddle and whistle from an early age. He went for lessons at the O'Carolan branch of Comhaltas in Manchester. He was taught the fiddle by Paddy McMahon from Co.Galway and was taught the tin whistle by Angela Durkin and Michael McGoldrick. The first band Colin played with was St. Malachy's Ceili Band led by Sean Dempsey. Since then Colin has toured Europe and the USA extensively with various bands and dance shows and has recorded albums with his former bands Ceile (Mancunian Way) and Grada (Cloudy day navigation). Five years ago Colin gained a Masters Degree in Irish traditional music from the University of Limerick. Since then he has moved to Orlando Florida where he plays in the group Creel with Damien McCarthy at Raglan Road Irish Pub in Downtown Disney. In September 2010 Colin finished his debut CD - ON THE MOVE.